Friday, February 11, 2011

Jeremy Scott teddybear and panda sneakers otherwise known as...fringe fashion

I don't know what to say about this. Its not bad or good or anything like that, I just don't have the words...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Was Jeremy Scott high when he made these? Behold, the new J.S Adidas Originals 2011

Okay, I must admit, I never quite understood some of Jeremy Scott's designs. Some I thought were very cool as iconic pieces of Adidas art, some were wearable if you're feeling that life is no longer worth living, ordinarily - so you put on your J.S Adidas and rock out the appearance that you're brave like a viking, loud, stylishly too cool for any street, immensely crazy and stupid, all at the same time. (I am guilty of this too at times).

An accurate question for you and I: "Which, wacky part, of the new collection do I like?"

 Wooohoo! Bollywood meets Jin from Tekken. Guys - don't try this outfit unless 
you are absolutely sure you have what it takes.
(But..what does it take..?!)

 The jacket is spectacularly yellow. Nice one. Shorts? No.

 Skeleton jacket! Done before! But this one's ADIDAS! ^.^
Too bad I don't have a hi-res one, there *must* be little details
that make this a worthwhile buy...?

Someone walked all over me.

 Someone walked all over me. Like this, see?

 Hahahaha. Yes. I love capes. An Adidas cape. Holy shit.
 An Adidas cactus suit.

 Wow. I just can't get over that this is an Adidas CAPE.

This was designed while having buttsex.

Wooo, Kali kali. 
 Bullet holes. A sieve. Hmmm..bullet holes. Wait wait...I'm a shrapnel!

Just imagine someone wearing this carrying a protest banner and holding up a fist..
while marching with those teddy stomps. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adidas ads for runners

So Adidas done it right again. Hear that bitches? YOUR advertising sucks! Adidas rocks. Okay. Sorry. It's been a hectic day. What I meant to say is that at the end of 1999 Adidas bought out this campaign to promote their running shoes and garments. If you remember that time, everyone was on a matrix 3D shiny high - but not Adidas.

Yes, these kind of women do exist.